Once upon a time, we set up an acoustic trigger to catch bullets in flight.
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The bullet is seen just penetrating the glass. The atmosphere is just beginning to rush in.

The bullet has just entered the backstop.

The bullet went left to right and is long gone.

The shadow of the bullet can be seen just entering the right target.

The bullet is clearly seen - as is the gun.

Bullet is in the middle of the target.

Bullet is in the middle of the target.

The bullet is long gone.

The bullet has just enteres the backstop.

The bullet is clear - as is the gun.

The bullet is clearly in the middle of the target.

The bullet is just about to exit the tarrget.

The bullet is just to the right of the target.

Clear bullet in flight to the backstop.

The muzzle gas is visible here.

The bullet is just entering the backstop.

It was so much fun, I've decided to build an advanced bullet velocity detector.
Hopefully, when fully implemented, the laser tracker will be able to time the strobe so as to
catch the bullet at some predetermined point in space to the nearest millimeter.
I'll let you know how that works out. Here are some pictures of the prototype hardware.

Front view - 2 digit display for gross count check to the computer.

Back view - computer link data port.

Side view.

Angle view.

Top view. Two laser fiber optic cables input to upper board.

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