
© 1998
J. Mitch Hopper

Politics - a dirty world. In this work of fiction, we see the unclean world through the eyes of a small town politician about to have his life changed. Here is just a taste.

The sun was going down outside and the few remaining shards of light that penetrated the drawn blinds were turning from gold to brown and dimming toward oblivion. He picked up the bottle and swirled it about glancing at the small bits of residue as they eddied around the bottom. Christ, the it was there, too. He poured himself another drink and knocked it back in one deft movement. The bourbon scum was in him now -- a fitting place.

The telephone call had come out of the blue. A reporter from Channel 6 requested an interview and he jumped at the chance. He had begun to wonder if he would ever get any publicity for the tiny steps he was helping the little city take toward a better world. Finally, some notoriety for his programs. When she had come into the office with her camera crew, he stood on a bright and shiny highway stretching off to the clear horizon. She asked the first question -- did he know a certain woman with a certain name? Then he stood on a country road whose uncertain end was shrouded in a deep and dark wood -- and in clinging mud past his ankles. The interview lasted forever and the verbal fencing had splashed muck onto his clean clothes. The ambush ended, yet the dirt remained.

Any of these stories may be purchased: $4.00 each -- 3 or more at $2.00 each (postage included).
To request a title, e-mail your request to the author: J. Mitch Hopper.
I will respond quickly with the address to mail your personal check. Thanks for your interest!